How it works.

Analyse, self-reflect, improve

PEAK A is a scientifically evaluated test procedure for topmanagement, which measures correlations and learning areas of the personal effect on people and systems in which the person acts as well as the person himself.

The combination of personality testingmotivational profiling and leadership understanding with an AI-driven languageeffectiveness analysis is a further development of established procedures and meets the growing demands of the present and the future for managers.

The combination of individual dimensions and psycholinguistics allows the plausibility of the results.

The test provides information about a person's potential and measures the extent to which a person is fundamentally suited to fill a leadership role and has the characteristics to be able to develop top performance.

Concrete, individual learning areas and opportunities for self-reflection are identified. A ranking in the context of a comparable collective is possible.

The assessment represents a disruptive approach in the context of management diagnostics.

Key Features

1. AI-based language-based plausibility testing of established personality tests

Words create realities. There are a variety of personality tests and management assessments. But let's be honest: Are we always one hundred percent honest with ourselves? Do we really have a clear picture of how we actually come across? Part of PEAK-A is the AI-based language effectiveness analysis. Understanding the impact of communication provides important clues for self-reflection and shows individual learning opportunities. The effect of communication is not only to be evaluated based on its content. Linguistic impact is also influenced by formal language patterns. The basis is a 15-minute telephone interview with a digital language assistant. The evaluation is based on AI and places the result of the individual language sample in the context of 25,000 people and over 38 million ratings. Objectively based on formal, structural, and descriptive characteristics.

2. Identification of specific individual learning areas for self-reflection

Self-reflection is a daily challenge for executives. Self-reflection is the starting point for lifelong learning and successful transformation processes. Complexity is often negatively perceived on an individual level in terms of "to manage the unmanageable".

Actively facing this begins with each individual. Moving from good thinking to good action and feeling motivated to perform and provide guidance to others, starts with self-reflection and knowing who one is and who one could be.

"Make the manager job more manageable".

To achieve this, established personality tests have been scientifically developed further and the informative value has been supplemented and evaluated by adding dimensions with regard to leadership understanding and motivational scales, among other things, from top-level sports.

3. Performance through focus on individuality

We make use of the better of two worlds. Motives are the fundamental drivers for our actions. In performance-driven societies, such as those found in sports, football, Formula 1, medicine, and entertainment, motivational scales are often used. What is important to us and what do we consider to be of secondary importance? Motivational states have a direct influence on how people experience and perceive situations. These differences in experience not only influence our thinking but also what a person can or cannot achieve in a given situation.

We believe that what has been successful in performance-driven societies can also be transferred to the business and management spheres. The motivational scales used in top-level sports are reflected in the PEAK-A test battery.

Quick facts

Super fast

Immediate result delivery independent of context in German or English language

Test items


Test duration

45 min.

Secure Data

Implemented data protection in compliance with the law